it is a treasure trove of unforgettable memories and impressions
it is a treasure trove
of unforgettable memories
and impressions
Each time our piggy bank is replenished not only with bright unforgettable memories and impressions. It is replenished with an increasing number of conscious and attentive people, full of energy, joy and love!
Silence chamber retreat with sound
February 23-25, 2023. Chamber event, in the beautiful architectural space CHEKHOV #APi. The retreat was based on immersion in self-care practices through time-tested tools in a narrow circle of like-minded people and beauty connoisseurs.
Meditation Retreat (Vipassana)
January 16-19, 2023. The first secular Vipassana under the guidance of Ani, opening a series of permanent vipassanas.
Ani's author's yoga tour
November 3-6, 2022. This retreat combined yoga, meditation, as well as a full day of silence.
Detox Retreat
September 21-26, 2022. Together with culinary guru and psychologist Denis Balyukin, we explored the topic of conscious eating.
Leela Retreat
August 11-14, 2022. A chamber retreat entirely dedicated to playing the Leela transformational game‎.
Funny Retreat
July 10-14, 2022. A summer retreat where we did yoga, imagining ourselves to be the Amusing Fleet of Peter the Great.
Great Care Retreat
May 6-10, 2022. Spring retreat, where we explored the topic of care and self-care.
Self-love Retreat
February 7-10, 2022. The second retreat with a focus on love for yourself and for the world around you.
The very first retreat!
December 13-16, 2021. The first restorative retreat dedicated to summing up the results of the outgoing year.